Minangkabau Culinary Halalness in Adagium Philosophy of Adat Basandi Syara, Syara Basandi Kitabullah

  • Aprili Yanti University Potensi Utama
Keywords: halal, minangkabau culinary, adat basandi syara' philosophy, syara basandi kitabullah


Adagium Adat basandi Syara’, Syara Basandi Kitabullah is the consensus of the Minangkabau people that is applied in their lives. This philosophy is the price of death or absoluteness that binds its society in acceptance. A receptive attitude that does not conflict with islamic sharia values is the adaptive cultural ethos of its people, where the earth is stepped on where the sky is upheld. This adaptive attitude received social support from people outside Minangkabau so that it could exist in various parts of the world including traditional culinary which became the local wisdom of Minangkabau culture. Traditional Minangkabau cuisine automatically gains worldwide recognition for the absolute labeling of halalness. Minangkabau must be a Muslim. The Minangkabau people who came out of Islam, the Minangkabau customary density institution has the authority to exclude them as Minang people because this institution has a moral responsibility for the consistency of religiouity of its people as a Muslim. A true Muslim shows his identity by wearing, using, consuming everything that is halal which is a parameter of blessings given by Allah Subhanallahu wata ala. This study aims to describe the relevance of Minangkabau culinary halalness to its cultural philosophy. In analyzing this study using semiotic theory by Ferdinand de Saussure. This method uses a combination of comparative historial and phenomonology. The data of this study was obtained from the study of purposive sampling literature from netizens. The results of the study found that halal learning did not have to use the legitimacy of the ulema assembly institution automatically getting confirmation and absolute recognition of its halalness from the internal and external communities of Minangkabau.
