Alhamdulillah the IC Halal IV in 2022 has been conducted successfully. Therefore allow me to extend my gratitude to Allah Subhanahu Wataala and all parties who participated and contributed to the international conference.

It is trully an honour for us to host the hybrid conference on Halal, Policy, and Sustainability Issues IV from 11 to 12 July 2022. In July 2022 the pandemic of covid 19 has been undercontolled therefore we decided to conduct the conference in hybrid format with a strict health protocol. There were 2 invited speakers attended the conference in person and 3 joined online. The same as the confence participants, there were about 20 per cent parcipated offline and the other 80 per cent joined the conference online. This conference was special not only because it was conducted in hybrid format but also attended by 5 international speakers from 4 different countries. In addition, the conference was attended by 122 participants with great insight from 40 institutions across Indonesia.

Last but not least, let us extend out gratitude to all authors, participants, and sponsors without them the conference cannot be held succefully in the very challenging situation. I hope we will see you again in the next year conference.

Published: 2022-10-13
