Short Mutant Characters and Early Maturing of M5 Generation of Local Rice Ase Buluh, Gamma Radiation Results

  • Abdul Haris Universitas Muslim Indonesia
  • Annas Boceng Universitas Muslim Indonesia
  • Abdullah Abdullah Universitas Muslim Indonesia
Keywords: irradiation, gray, mutants, varieties, ase buluh, character


The purpose of this study is to Short Mutant Characters And Early Maturing Of M5 Generation of Local Rice Ase Buluh, Gamma Radiation Results to obtain early duration and high yield of local rice mutants. This study was designed using randomized block design (RAK) in one factor. The factor is the level of irradiation done without radiation (R0) as acontrol group, radiation at 200 Gray (R1) and radiation with 300 Gray (R2). Each treatment was repeated three (3) times using 50 plants for each treatment. The result of this research is that local rice at either 200 Gray of radiation (R1) and 300 Gray (R2) obtained shorter plant height than those not in the radiation (R0). A number of tillers higher than those not in the radiation (R0) and the flowering dates obtained faster than the (R0). It is still expectedthat desired character of local rice mutant ‘Ase buluh’ to be used as an advanced breeding material.
