Communication Strategy in Promoting Local Culture on Selling the Bolu Rampah as Halal Bugis Food in Makassar City

  • Hadawiah Hadawiah Universitas Muslim Indonesia
Keywords: promotional communication, local culture, the sponge rampah, halal bugis food


Currently in the business world experiencing changes, including in the home industry, business conditions run very fast and require business actors to be creative and innovative. In order for businesses to develop and survive in the market, the same goes for The Bolu Rampah as a halal Bugis food in Makassar. The Sponge Rampah as a hereditary food that has almost disappeared is now reappearing by producers, for this reason, the producers of this Halal Bugis Peganan are required to make improvements and smart breakthroughs, including how to manage communication in the promotion of local culture as halal food in the city. Makassar. The purpose of this study was to determine the communication strategy in the promotion of local culture in the sale of Peganan Bugis Halal in Makassar City and the Bolu Rmpah to choose what promotion channel is the choice to introduce the Bugis Peganan. Methods The method used in this research is qualitative research, which focuses on the depth of data (quality) so that researchers can dig deeper into the object under study (Sukmadinata, 2011:60). This research data collection is done in 3 ways, namely through: observation, interviews, documentation. Data Analysis Techniques The data analysis technique in this study uses the Miles & Huberman interactive analysis model, namely in qualitative research it is possible to analyze data when researchers are in the field or after returning from the field a new analysis is carried out. In this study, data analysis was carried out simultaneously with the data collection process. As stated by Miles and Huberman (1984:23) the flow of analysis follows an interactive analysis model. The results of this study are the sponge cake is as an original tempoe doeloe cake typical of Bugis Makassar, carrying out a communication strategy in its promotion of three things, namely the marketing communication mix in advertising (advertising), electronic marketing through Instagram and word of mouth marketing (word of mouth). For sales through a mix of marketing communications through advertising (advertising) sponge cake uses billboard advertisements as a promotional communication medium packaged in verbal and nonverbal messages and communication, which is a form of emotion that creates an impression of how one feels after and after enjoying the sponge cake. Meanwhile, the promotion of local culture through electronic sponge cakes chose Instagram social media by posting pictures of sponge cakes with very sharp and inviting images and also choosing videos (live images) played by Selegram as well as content creators who are famous in Makassar with stories. funny in domestic life in Makassar with dialogue and accents and dialects of Bugis Makassar people, also by wearing Bugis Makassar traditional clothes as an identity of Bugis Makassar community. The last method, the sponge chooses the word-of-mouth marketing method, namely word of mouth promotion, this method is carried out by consumers as a messenger to other potential consumers. Word of Mouth marketing (WOMMA) states that word of mouth is a consumer activity providing information about a brand or product to other consumers. The promotional communication system carried out by consumers will of course use their own culture and habits, namely through their language, attitudes and views about this sponge cake with their local culture. Promotion of The Spice Sponge which is promoted by consumers through word of mouth is usually through meetings between consumers and potential customers, whether at weddings, aqiqah, social gatherings, alumni meetings of universities or other gatherings. Direct Marketing (direct sales) is also part of its promotion through several existing branches, namely, Makassar: petarani, Alauddin, daeng ngeppe, karunrung, Ratulangi, antang, hertasning, pioneering independence. Maros Jenderal Sudirman, Gowa: Jalan Sultan Hasanuddin
