Services to Local and Foreign Tourists in South Sulawesi

  • Sumirna Sumirna Universitas Muslim Indonesia
  • Djuniarti Djuniarti Universitas Islam Makassar
  • Saiful Saiful Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar


Tourism provides benefits for every human being to release boredom in daily activities because tourism can refresh the mind when someone can visit various types of tourist attractions, such as nature tourism, culinary, religion, maritime, education, and history. In addition, the tourism sector is a liaison for many sectors. Thus, with tourism, other sectors will indirectly live, for example, the economic sector, social and cultural sectors. This study focuses on the role of tour guides in providing services to local and foreign tourists in South Sulawesi. The design of this research is descriptive qualitative research by collecting data in three ways: first, the interview technique, namely to explore information related to the experience of a tour guide when escorting tourists; second, the observation technique, namely making direct observations in the field or tourist attractions; and the three documentation techniques, namely collecting data in the form of pictures or photos of tourist attractions. The results of the study indicate that the task of a tour guide consists of several things, including First, the tour guide is considered to know all aspects of life and he is responsible for the tour he organizes. For tourists, tour guides are considered as professors who are experts in their fields to provide general explanations about Indonesia, as well as various aspects contained in it, including aspects of population, social politics, economy, history, arts and culture, and national symbols. Second, a tour guide is bound by the rules and responsibilities of the company where he works, so he cannot carry out his activities freely. In addition, a tour guide is responsible for all travel activities for the company that employs him. Third, a tour guide must reflect on the life of the nation itself with all its personality and always be able to work together with various ethnic groups who come to Indonesia. In providing services, a tour guide must provide the same service to the tourists it serves. A tour guide assumes that all humans are the same regardless of race, nation, and religion because in tourism all humans are equal before their God. The conclusion is that more broadly tour guides are ambassadors of the nation or ambassadors of the region where they work. The attitude and behavior of a tour guide are considered by tourists as a reflection of the character of the local community. Therefore, a tour guide should be able to provide a correct and good information related to a tourist attraction.
