The Effect of Emotional Intelligence on Students' Learning Motivation at SMAN 16 Pangkep

  • Muhammad Syahrul Universitas Muslim Indonesia
  • Andi Bunyamin Universitas Muslim Indonesia
  • Sumaeni Sumaeni Universitas Muslim Indonesia
Keywords: emotional intelligence, learning motivation


This thesis discusses the effect of emotional intelligence on students' learning motivation at SMAN 16 Pangkep Regency. This study aims to determine how the influence of emotional intelligence on students' learning motivation at SMAN 16 Pangkep Regency. This study uses a quantitative descriptive research type, the population in this study is 80 students at SMAN 16 Pangkep Regency. According to Arikunto, the sample is part or representative of the population being studied. If the number of respondents is less than 100, all samples are taken so that the research is a population study. So the number of samples in this study were all students, amounting to 80 people. The data analysis technique used normality test, simple regression test, linearity test, homogeneity test, f test and R2 determination test. Data management in this study used SPSS 25 output. The results of this study indicate that the description of the emotional intelligence of students at SMAN 16 Pangkep Regency is already well, the results of this description can be seen from filling out the questionnaire. And there is a significant influence between emotional intelligence on learning motivation, this is in accordance with calculations using SPSS 25 output, which uses the Anova test obtained Fcount > Ftable i.e. 117.462 > 3.96 Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, then there is a significant positive correlation between emotional intelligence with learning motivation of students at SMAN 16 Pangkep Regency seen that the R value is ,775 and the R square value is 0.601 or equal to 60.1% which can be concluded that the independent variable affects the dependent variable by 60.1% while the remaining 39 ,9% influenced by other variables not examined by the researcher.
