Relationship of Knowledge with COVID-19 Prevention Behavior in the Elderly

  • Rahmawati Ramli Universitas Muslim Indonesia
  • Akbar Asfar Universitas Muslim Indonesia
  • Samsualam Samsualam Universitas Muslim Indonesia
  • Khadijah Khadijah Universitas Muslim Indonesia
Keywords: COVID-19, knowledge, behavior, elderly


COVID-19 cases in Indonesia continue to increase significantly. The lack of knowledge and behavior of the elderly in preventing COVID-19 is one of the causes of the increasing number of COVID-19 cases. This study aims to determine the relationship between knowledge and COVID-19 prevention behavior in the elderly in Sampakang Hamlet, Simbang Village, Maros District, Simbang District. The research design is in the form of observational analytic with a cross sectional study approach. Determination of the sample is done by simple random sampling technique with a large sample of 65 elderly respondents. The analysis used was the frequency distribution test and the chi-square statistical test with a significance level of p < 0.05. The results showed that 56.9% of the elderly had less knowledge, and 67.7% had less behavior in implementing COVID-19 prevention and there was a significant relationship between knowledge and behavior (p = 0.034). The conclusion of this study is that there is a significant relationship between knowledge and COVID-19 prevention behavior in the elderly in Sampakang Hamlet, Simbang Village, Simbang District, Maros Regency. Various efforts need to be continued, both in the health and non-health sectors to improve COVID-19 prevention behavior in the community, especially the elderly.
