The Principal Leadership in Indonesian Islamic School: the Strategy in Shaping the Academic Professionalism

  • Muli Umiaty Noer Universitas Muslim Indonesia
Keywords: leadership, islamic school, professionalism


The overview of the current condition of Indonesian Islamic School can be seen from the aspect of content, process, the competence of graduates, teachers, and education personnel, facilities and infrastructure, management, and assessment of education. At the moment, it turns out that not all Indonesian Islamic schools can meet them. In other words, at this time not all the Indonesian Islamic schools can meet the standards, the scope of the material, and the level of competence that should be stated in the graduation criteria. This study illustrates how the strategies used by the Indonesian Islamic School principals in developing the professionalism of educators and education staff. It applies the concept of a trait, behavior, and contingency approach in the study of Islamic leadership is associated with educational components which include vision, mission, foundation, goals, curriculum, teacher competence and professionalism, teacher-student relationship patterns, learning methodology, infrastructure, management (management), and evaluation. This study used a qualitative approach via a descriptive case study. The data collection was done through observation, interviews, and documentation. Our findings indicate an effective collaborative activity strategy in increasing motivation in the professionalism of teachers and education personnel. This increase in professionalism has an impact on increasing the productivity of teachers and education personnel in carrying out their duties.
