Reseponse of Waxycorn Plants with Urea Fertilizer and Chicken Egg Shell Powder on Growth and Production

  • Edy Edy Muslim University of Indonesia
  • Megawati Megawati Muslim University of Indonesia
Keywords: waxycorn, urea, chicken egg shell powder


This research was conducted in Allepolea Village, Lau District, Maros Regency, South Sulawesi Province. Aim to find out the effect of urea fertilizer and chicken egg shell powder and the interaction between both on the growth and production of maize. Research done by using a factorial randomized block design (RBD). The first factor is urea fertilizer which consists of 2 levels, namely 150 kg/ha and 300 kg/ha. The second factor is chicken egg shell powder which consists of 3 levels, namely chicken egg shell powder 2.8 tons/ha, 4.8 tons/ha and 6.8 tons/ha. Every The treatment combination was repeated 3 times so that 18 experimental units were obtained and each experimental unit contained 5 plant samples. Observation parameters This study consisted of plant height, number of leaves, 50% male flowering age, 50% female flowering age, length of the ear, diameter of the ear, weight of seed per ears, weight of 100 seeds, weight of seeds per plot and seed production per hectare. The results of this study indicate that the dose of urea fertilizer 300 kg/ha has a good effect on the number of leaves, length of the ear and weight of seeds per ear. Giving chicken egg shell powder at a dose of 6.8 tons/ha has an effect good for the number of leaves, 50% male flowering age and ear length. The interaction between urea fertilizer and chicken egg shell powder has no effect to all observation parameters.
