Study of Ecological Technical Aspects in Architecture Tana Toa Kajang Traditional House Bulukumba District

  • Nashrah Nashrah Universitas Muslim Indonesia
  • Aris Alimuddin Universitas Muslim Indonesia
Keywords: traditional architecture, traditional house of tana toa, ecological engineering


Traditional Architecture of the Tana Toa Kajang Traditional House is one of the cultural heritages of the Indonesian people. It contains the meaning and noble values of the life of the people, both manifest and intangible. Technically, ecologically, the architecture of the Tana Toa Kajang traditional house greatly appreciates the elements contained in the universe (macrocosm) which are then applied in house construction systems, including space conditioning systems and environmental sanitation systems (microcosm). This study aims to examine the architectural characteristics of the Tana Toa Kajang traditional house in terms of ecological technical aspects and analyze it to find an architectural concept approach. Based on the research objectives, this research method is supported by a qualitative approach method. Data analysis includes historical analysis of the traditional architecture of the Tana Toa Kajang traditional house obtained from literature studies. This analysis is limited to ecological technical aspects, namely aspects related to environmental conditioning and sanitation systems. Trying to explore the factors that are used as the basis by the people of Tana Toa in building houses to get comfortable space and explore the technical aspects of building houses related to ecological technical aspects. The results of this study found an architectural concept approach that was applied to the traditional house of tana toa Kajang which could be applied to the architecture of a modern house. In addition, the results of this study can be developed as an effort to preserve local cultural heritage.
