Designing and Making Management Information System Based on Website at Laboratory of Computer Engineering Faculty of Cokroaminoto Palopo University

  • Nirsal Nirsal UNCP Palopo
  • Muh. Rafli Fadillah Ramadhani UNCP Palopo
Keywords: designing, making, website, management information system, laboratory


This research aimed at designing and making management information system based on web at Laboratory of Computer Engineering Faculty of Cokroaminoto Palopo University to simplify in the process of using laboratory, borrowing tools, data management and making report. This research was conducted at Laboratory of Computer Engineering Faculty of Cokroaminoto Palopo University. Kind of the research used was R&D (Research and Development) by using development model of waterfall. Testing method used was black box testing. This system was developed by using codeigniter framework to improve the safety system. This system consisted of some types of users, they were admin who can manage data and user (lecturers and students) to use laboratory and to borrow tools. This research used 4 methods to conduct analysis, planning and collecting data, they were observation method, interview, literature review, and documentation. So input and output from system developed is suitable for what is expected. Application used in developing information system was xampp and sublime text. The result of the research shows that the system can simplify the laboratory administrator in managing data and making report as well as it can simplify the user in conducting the use of laboratory and borrowing tools.
