Implementation RAD Method on the Website-Based Student Master Book Application

  • Vicky Bin Djusmin Unversitas Cokroaminoto Palopo
  • Syafriadi Syafriadi Unversitas Cokroaminoto Palopo
  • Alim Surya Saruman Unversitas Cokroaminoto Palopo
  • Wisnu Kurniadi Unversitas Cokroaminoto Palopo
Keywords: RAD, master book, website


Colleges or study programs are required to have a student master book to provide comprehensive student data information. Recording in the student master book must be complete and clear which includes student identity data, educational history, parental data, academic and non-academic achievements, etc. The master book is very important because it can be used to make decisions regarding students in college. It is also the main reference for assessor assessment. So far, the management of student master data is still carried out using a manual recording model in a master book. This is considered inefficient because it takes a long time in the recording process, another problem is that streaks in the main book cannot be avoided when there is an error in recording data or updating data. Searching student data is also inefficient because it is done by opening the pages of notes in the master book. To support good and efficient management, the master book should be managed using an application system so that the process of inputting, editing, searching and updating data can be done easily. The purpose of this research is to develop a website-based student master book application system that will facilitate the management of student data. Rapid Application Development (RAD) was chosen as a system development method because it is considered to be able to deliver applications in a fast period of time through repetition and repeated feedback. Although fast, this method allows developers to maintain quality. The result of this research is a website-based student master book application that has been tested and can help manage student data more easily and dynamically.
