Education of Discourse Methods on HIV/AIDS Prevention Behavior

  • Fatmah Afrianty Gobel Muslim University of Indonesia
  • Andi Muhammad Multazam Muslim University of Indonesia
  • Arman Arman Muslim University of Indonesia
Keywords: knowledge, prisoners, education, HIV/AIDS


HIV prevalence in prisons is usually higher than in the general population. This can be 5, 6 or even as much as 10 times higher than the value obtained in the general population. This condition is caused because prisoners in drug cases and other cases still have the potential to use needles illegally, practice tattoos in secret, share razors and the very dense occupancy rates that allow unsafe sex to occur, sex between prisoners (mostly anal and between men). men) among prisoners and detainees, on the other hand inadequate health services. The method used is to provide education through lecture and discussion methods by presenting people living with HIV who are also former empowered drug addicts who are now clean and have never relapsed so that their communication becomes more effective in providing comprehensive understanding to the inmates of Class IIA Sungguminasa Narcotics Prison. by filling out the pre and post test questionnaires, the data were analyzed descriptively. The results obtained are as follows, the inmates who take part in this activity based on age are more than 26-35 years old 40%, Based on education level 50% have elementary school education, based on detention period as much as 60%, with a prison term of less than 5 (five) years, with marital status 55% were married. Changes in the knowledge of the inmates before and after being given educational materials using the lecture and discussion method, namely, if previously there were 55% less knowledgeable citizens, then after being given treatment it decreased to 40% who had less knowledge. This means that there is an increase in the knowledge of the inmates after the lecture method education is carried out.
