Evaluation of Stunting Decreasing Acceleration Based on Local Wisdom in Puskesmas Moncongloe of Maros District

  • Dian Indraswari Muslim University of Indonesia
  • Nurmiati Muchlis Muslim University of Indonesia
  • Arni Rizqiany Rusydi Muslim University of Indonesia
  • Nurjamilah Nurjamilah Muslim University of Indonesia
Keywords: stunting, local wisdom, marrangga bannang


Currently, the dominant area have experienced a decline in stunting cases, one of which was in Maros Regency. Differences in regional characteristics were one of the supporters as well as obstacles to stunting reduction efforts in each special location. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the acceleration of stunting reduction based on local wisdom at the Moncongloe Health Center. Design of the research was qualitative with a phenomenological research approach. Informants were all of health workers (midwives, doctors, nurses) and mothers (who have toddlers= babies under the age of three years) at the research location, including local government elements related to the Stunting program as well as community leaders. The key informant was the head of the Primary health CareĀ  in each research location. The results showed that there were efforts to reduce stunting based on local wisdom such as Marrangga Bannang (let's jointly monitor and prevent children from stunting). In addition, there were stunting Posyandu (Posting), and stunting consultations. The results of the study recommend that stunting reduction innovations based on local wisdom need to be continuously.
