Measures for Preventing and Handling Coronavirus COVID19 in Pregnancy

  • Jamila Kasim STIKES Nani Hasanuddin Makassar
Keywords: prevention and treatment of COVID-19, pregnancy


Background Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by the corona virus, generally people who are infected with the virus COVID-19 will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment. Pregnant women are very potentially infected by COVID-19. Pregnant women are expected to eat a balanced nutritious diet and maintain personal hygiene and take blood-boosting tablets except for those who are confirmed positive for COVID-19, which will exacerbate complications. The purpose of this literature study is to find out how to prevent and treat Covid-19 in pregnancy. Methodology This type of research is research in the form of a literature review study. namely a literature search by reviewing articles/journals on the databases used in this research are PubMed, Google Scholar, Proquest, Sincedirect and Wiley. Results There were 67 articles identified and published from 201 8 -20 21. Of the 67 articles, 22 articles that meet the inclusion criteria, the results of the search for journal publications, it was found that there is an effect on the prevention and treatment of COVID -19 in pregnancy by increasing the body's immune system in pregnant women. Discussion pregnant women affected by COVID-19 in meeting their daily nutritional needs and vitamin C to increase their immunity so they can avoid the dangers of Covid 19. Covid can also have an impact on the economy for the community. Nutritional intake for pregnant women is very important and should not be ignored because it can support their health and support the growth and development of the fetus in the womb , preventive measures and treatment for the new corona virus disease (COVID-19) in pregnancy and clinical recommendations given, in preventing COVID In pregnancy, it is recommended that pregnant women avoid crowds, public transportation, contact with sick people, maintain cleanliness, pregnant women with symptoms of cough, fever, fatigue, shortness of breath, or sore throat should seek medical help and pregnant women who are diagnosed with infection should be treated immediately in the isolation ward Conclusion preventive measures and handling of Covid-19 in pregnancy, namely by increasing the immune system in pregnant women so that they can avoid Covid-19 disease. Considering that pregnant women experience physiological and psychological changes, these changes can result in a decrease in the immune system in pregnant women, so preventive measures and handling of Covid-19 is expected to maintain the health of mothers and babies.
