Development and Trial of a Cocoa Pod Compost Digester with Biogas by Products on a Household Scale

  • Ulfah Zakiyah Hamdani UNCP Palopo
  • Rosmalah Yanti UNCP Palopo
  • Rahman Hairuddin UNCP Palopo
  • Ibnu Mansyur Hamdani UNCP Palopo
  • Nurul Fuady Adhalia UNCP Palopo
Keywords: digester, cocoa pod, liquid organic fertilizer, slurry compost, biogas


This study was aimed to develop another digester model with output 2 products (compost and liquid organic fertilizer) and 1 by-product (biogas) that can be used on a household scale. The digester made from Parallon plastic with two tubes: the fermentation tube and the liquid fertilizer storage. The filter separates biogas with bad smell with water seal technology. The trial was conducted with finely chopped cocoa pod as starting material, aquadest, crystal sugar and EM4 as inoculum in the ratio 50 kg : 5 L : 2 kg : 1 L. After 32 days of fermentation, 50 kg starting material has been successfully converted into 12 L of liquid organic fertilizers, 30 kg of slurry and biogas. The fermentation process is still ongoing because biogas is still being formed continuously.
