Relationship Between Awareness Levels to Oral Cancer with Smoking Habit of Students Makassar Marine Science Polytechnic
Background: The smoking habit is a state where smoking is an activity that is routinely performed by the respondent and smoking is one habit that we often encounter everyday where smoking is done by turning up and smoked a cigarette until they run out. Objective: The resulths is to know relationship awareness levels to oral cavity cancer with smoking habit of students politeknik ilmu pelayaran Makassar. Materials and Methods: The resuths was observational analytic, using cross sectional method. Research population is officer students Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Makassar Year 2017. Primary data collection must is the questionnaires to officer student. Statistical analyzes were performed using chi-square test Results: The results of this study indicate, Based on the analysis showed chi-square test p value = 0.003 (p value smaller α = 0,05), Thus Ha accepted which means that there is relationship awareness levels to oral cavity cancer with smoking habit officer students Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Makassar Year 2017 Conclusion: There is awareness levels to oral cavity cancer with smoking habit of students Makassar Marine Science Polytechnic.