In the name of Allah, the most beneficent and the most merciful. As the chairman of the 3rd IC-Halal UMI 2021, I would like to express my sincer appreciation for the efforts that have been made by the foundation, university, the invited speakers, my fellow commitees, and all presenters.  Alhamdulillah the conference has been conducted successfully in during the covid 19 pandemic.

Our biggest challenge in the cofference was the government policy to restrict the society’s movement to control the spread of Covid 19. We belive the pandemic should not stop our second your conference. Therefore we challage our selves to hold full online conference. The conference was attended by 8 invited speakers from 7 different countries, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philiphines, Japan, Egypt, Canada, and the United States of America.    

Finally I pray to Allah may this abstract book will benefit all the stakeholders, because there were so many insightful concepts, ideas, and models that can be used as inspiration. I want to give special aknocledgement for the invoted speakers and the authors for trusting and joining conference this year. We would be delighted to see you again the next year conference.

Published: 2021-10-13
