The Effectiveness of The Qira'ah Method in Improving Students’ Maharatul Qira'ah in Virtual Instruction of Department of Arabic Literature, Faculty of Letters, Universitas Muslim Indonesia

  • Nur Jannah Abna Muslim University of Indonesia
Keywords: qira’ah method, maharatul kalam, virtual learning


Effective teaching methods assist a successful learning in achieving leason goals. One method of learning Arabic is the qira’ah (reading) which is used in achieving maharatul qira’ah (reading skills). One of the causes of many students does not like Arabic lessons is because the monotonous qiraah method and less varied. This leads students to have low ability to speak and read Arabic. In addition, the 2020/2021 academic year has been finished. The instructional process was carried out virtually because the Covid-19 pandemic condition. The research problem was how to apply the qira’ah method in increasing maharatul qira’ah in virtual learning for students of the Arabic Literature Department, Faculty of Letters UMI? and the effectiveness of the qira’ah method in increasing maharatul qira’ah in virtual learning for students of the Arabic Literature Department, Faculty of Letters UMI?. The purpose of the study was to describe the application of the qira’ah method in increasing maharatul qira’ah in virtual learning and the application of the qira’ah method in increasing maharatul qira’ah in virtual learning of the Arabic Literature Department student, Faculty of Letters UMI. This study employed a qualitative approach by collecting data on natural object conditions. Qualitative research emphasizes the analysis on the process of deductive and inductive inference and on the analysis of the dynamics of the relationship between the observed phenomena by using scientific logic. The study analyzed the virtual lessons in improving student’s Maharatul Qira’ah with a population consisting of objects/subjects that have certain qualities and characteristics and the sample is students of the Arabic Literature Study Program, Faculty of Letters UMI. Data collection techniques in this study were observation, interviews, documentation, and tests with data analysis processed by organizing the data into a pattern, category and description. The study employed data triangulation method: data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusion
