Halal Certification of Gombara Frozen Food Products

  • Fatmah Afrianty Gobel Muslim University of Indonesia
  • Dedy Atmajaya Muslim University of Indonesia
Keywords: halal food, training, mentoring, food product, UKM


The Frozen Food Production Business belonging to the Darul Aman Gombara Islamic boarding school began operating in 2019 using Halal and Thayyib production materials. In addition, the Darul Aman Islamic Boarding School is also a supplier of Nugget and Meatballs (Frozen Food) in several places as well as office cooperatives, during the Covid-19 pandemic experiencing various problems, one of which is the absence of Halal certification from LPPOM MUI which is one of the considerations for consumers to buy food products. Assistance for halal certification of frozen food products from the UKM Gombara is carried out as part of the Community Service activities of the Community Partnership Program (PkM) involving UKM Gombara Food which are engaged in the culinary field. increase the reach of product marketing because it has been equipped with the legalization of LPPOM MUI halal products. In this mentoring activity, training on the Halal Assurance System for the Leaders and Employees of the Gombara, the results of the training evaluation showed that during the pre-test the average knowledge was still low, although there were also some who were quite good, but after attending the training and post-testing all the training participants experienced a significant increase in knowledge related to the provision of ingredients and how to ensure the food to be produced was free from non-halal ingredients. Based on in-depth interviews, the informant said that it is important for UKM to be assisted in obtaining halal certification for their products, because limited knowledge and accessibility to procedures and requirements in obtaining halal certification have been the main obstacles for most UKM so far
