The Impact of Zinc Supplementation During Pregnancy to Prevent Low Birth Weight and Stunting: A Systmatic Review

  • Rosdiana Syakur Universitas Hasanuddin
Keywords: zinc, pregnancy, low birth weight, stunting


Background: Globally in 2018 as many as 149 million or one in three children aged 0-5 years in the world experienced stunting. Riskesdas 2018 data shows that the proportion of birth weight < 2500 grams (LBW) in children aged 0-59 in Indonesia is 6.2% and for South Sulawesi Province 7.5%. Meanwhile, stunting data in Indonesia in 2018 was 30.7% and South Sulawesi 35%. Nutritional problems in a certain age group will affect nutritional status in the next life cycle period and have an impact on decreasing the quality of human resources. Objective: To review journals on nutritional interventions for pregnant women in the prevention of low birth weight and stunting. Methods: Using an online journal database that provides free articles and journals in PDF form such as: Pubmed, Elsevier, Scinapse, Plos One and Google Scholar. Results: Nutritional intervention of pregnant women through Zinc Supplementation has an impact on birth outcomes. Conclusion: Nutritional supplementation in pregnant women can affect the nutritional status of the mother and affect pregnancy outcomes.
