Implementation of Law Number 33 concerning Halal Product Assurance (JPH) for Micro and Small Business Actors in Makassar

  • Ardi Ardi Muslim University of Indonesia
  • Muhammad Nusran Muslim University of Indonesia
  • Andi Darmawangsa Muslim University of Indonesia
  • Muhammad Hasibuddin Muslim University of Indonesia
Keywords: halal certificate, MSME, JPH


Product halalness is a big concern for Muslims in Indonesia. The obligation to consume halal food automatically makes Muslims have to ensure the halal products they consume. However, the understanding of sharia that is owned by the community is certainly different and varied, so the presence of a halal certificate that guarantees the halalness of a product is very important. This is to make it easier for Muslim consumers and business actors to buy or trade their products. The issuance of the JPH Law in 2014 certainly provides fresh air for business actors, but not all business actors feel this, especially Micro and Small business actors. The obstacles experienced by Micro and Small business actors can have an impact on the economic climate given the large number of them. This study seeks to (1) reveal the various problems faced by MSMEs in applying for halal certificates (2) the role of local governments in implementing the JPH Law, especially for MSME actors. This research is descriptive with a qualitative approach in order to reveal, explain or describe existing phenomena in more detail and depth. Data collection methods are interviews, observations, and document studies. The results of this study reveal various problems faced by MSMEs in applying for halal certification, among others as follows: 1) the lack of understanding of sharia about halal-haram makes business actors not dare to apply for halal certification. 2) dissemination of information and training tends to only reach the upper middleclass entrepreneurs, even though the number of micro and small entrepreneurs is much more significant. 3) the cost of applying for halal certification is still considered high, especially for Micro and Small business actors. The government, in this case the ministry of religion through BPJPH, should be able to oversee the implementation of the JPH Law so that it touches the Micro and Small entrepreneurs, which in terms of numbers, far exceed the medium and large numbers. The provision of information centers as well as training on sharia understanding as well as the rules for applying for halal certification need to be improved qualitatively and most importantly can touch Micro and Small businesses. The provision of incentives or other facilities for micro and small business actors to accelerate the implementation of the JPH Law needs to be considered
