Education Technology: The New Paradigm of Education in The 4.0 Industrial Era Towards Industrial Era 5.0

  • Yusuf Gunawan
Keywords: Educational Technology, New Paradigm of Education, Industry 4.0, 5.0


Technological leaps are very fast in all fields including education and must be faced and utilized. This research is to provide a new paradigm for all parties related to education with technological advances that must be utilized as much as possible for the advancement of education. The research method in this study uses qualitative research methods with a literary, historical, conceptual and comparative approach. The formulation of the problem is: 1. How does educational technology affect education carried out by practitioners and education activists? 2. How is the new paradigm of education in the industrial era 4.0 towards the industrial era 5.0? The theory used in this study is the theory of synchronization, harmonization and hyper connectivity in exploring existing problems. The conclusions of this study are: 1. Technology affects the way of work both Teachers / Lecturers, Students / Students, Education Stakeholders as well as parents to policy makers in education in the industrial era 4.0 and will continue to develop towards the industrial era 5.0.; 2. The new paradigm of education in efficiency and effectiveness in everything must run synchronously and harmoniously by utilizing hyper connectivity in information technology must be utilized if it does not want to be left behind and shifted. It is recommended that all activists, actors, policymakers related to education should adopt and take advantage of technological advances and teachers and lecturers equip themselves to face the major changes that lie ahead. Technology is a means to benefit humans rather than get rid of humans in the end.
