Identifying The Constraints of Halal Certification for SMEs in Indonesia

  • Muh. Rahmat Fatahilla
  • Muhammad Ikbal A
  • Suryadi Hadi
  • Chairulsyah Chairulsyah
  • Femilia Zahra
Keywords: SMEs, Halal Certification, Constraints


The purpose of this study is to identify the obstacles faced by Indonesian SMEs in obtaining halal certification. Halal certification is essential in response to the demands of Muslim customers who are increasingly informed about the halalness of consumer goods purchased. But for SMEs, the process of obtaining halal certification is often hampered by a number of challenges that can disrupt business sustainability and operations. The research technique used is called content analysis, and aims to examine the content of texts from various sources, including articles, news, reports, and documents related to SME halal certification. The findings show that the barriers to halal certification for SMEs are the high cost of certification, limited expertise, complicated certification process, and lack of government support. The limitations of this study are the difficulty in finding information and the lack of SME statistical literature on halal certification barriers. This research concentrates on developing ideas and solutions that assist SMEs in overcoming the difficulties associated with halal certification.
