Research Trends of Muslim-Friendly Tourism: A Bibliometric Analysis

  • Siska Mandalia
Keywords: Research trends, Muslim-friendly tourism, Bibliometric analysis, Tourism research


The global tourism landscape has undergone significant transformations in recent years, influenced by evolving traveler preferences, technological advancements, and cultural shifts. A notable trend has emerged within this dynamic environment, the growing demand for tourism experiences that cater to the specific needs and preferences of diverse traveler segments. Among these segments, Muslim travelers have gained substantial attention as a vibrant and influential market within the tourism industry.

Recognizing the importance of understanding and accommodating the unique requirements of Muslim travelers, the concept of "Muslim Friendly Tourism" has emerged. This concept emphasizes providing services that align with Islam's religious and cultural principles. These services include halal dining options, prayer facilities, prayer time arrangements, and culturally sensitive travel experiences. While the significance of Muslim-friendly tourism is increasingly acknowledged, a limited body of literature focuses on bibliometric analyses within the realm of "Muslim Friendly Tourism." Thus, a gap exists in comprehensively understanding the trajectory of research trends and scholarly contributions in this domain. Addressing this gap is essential as it offers insights into how research has evolved, what areas have garnered the most attention, which scholars are shaping the discourse, and how collaboration networks are forming within this field.

The proposed research aims to bridge this gap by conducting a thorough bibliometric analysis of the literature on Muslim-friendly tourism. This analysis will provide a comprehensive overview of the critical themes, academic contributions, publication outlets, and collaborative patterns that have emerged within this research domain. By delving into the quantitative and qualitative aspects of scholarly work in Muslim-friendly tourism, this research will shed light on the trajectory of the field's development and offer valuable insights for researchers and practitioners. Understanding the research trends in Muslim-friendly tourism is crucial for various stakeholders, including tourism industry professionals, researchers, and policymakers. This analysis can inform the design of tailored services, marketing strategies, and policy decisions that resonate with the needs and preferences of Muslim travelers. Ultimately, this research contributes to the broader objective of fostering inclusive and culturally sensitive tourism practices, thereby enriching the experiences of Muslim travelers and contributing to the sustainable growth of the global tourism industry.

This research paper provides a comprehensive bibliometric analysis of the transforming developments in Muslim-friendly tourism. Understanding the preferences and needs of Muslim tourists is becoming increasingly important as the global tourism sector diversifies. This study uses a bibliometric approach to examine various scholarly publications from many disciplines and areas to uncover significant themes, influential authors, prolific journals, and developing tendencies in Muslim-friendly tourism research. This report demonstrates the evolution of the study over time, notable research clusters, and collaboration networks shaping the discourse on this topic by applying advanced bibliometric methodologies.

The findings provide a glimpse of the existing knowledge level and insight into the likely direction of future study in Muslim-friendly tourism. This study adds to the current literature by providing a systematic overview of the field's development and highlighting potential avenues for further investigation, ultimately assisting practitioners, scholars, and policymakers in improving and accommodating the needs of Muslim travelers in the ever-changing tourism landscape.
