Business Strategies of a Coffee Shop by Identifying Customer Behaviours and Characteristics using Association Rules and Clustering Methods (A Case Study of Yogyakarta Students

  • Ilyas Husti UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau
  • Khairunnas Jamal UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau
  • Mochammad Novendri S UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau
Keywords: Revitalization, Halal, Food, Processed


This article discusses the revitalization of halal issues regarding the problems of cafe and restaurant processed food products. Nowadays, poisoning often occurs, especially in processed foods in cafes and restaurants. This problem has shaken various parties, especially in terms of food hygiene and purity. Food products that are visible to the naked eye are clean, halal and also processed in a halal way, but sometimes still do not meet the standards of purity and meaning of toyyib in food. So, processed food from cafes and restaurants needs to be emphasized in re-processing the food. So this article aims to explain a chronological series regarding halal revitalization regarding the problems of cafe and restaurant processed food products. This research is library research and the method used in this paper is a descriptive method, namely by analyzing the related verses and surahs by referring to the verses of the Koran. The results of the discussion are the revitalization of halal issues regarding the problems of processed food products in cafes and restaurants, paying attention, among other things, to food substances in the form of objects or items that can be consumed. Then the method of obtaining food, by paying attention to the steps and process of obtaining the raw materials to be processed is not good, then the halal object or item becomes haram, such as in the case of stealing. Next is the processed food procession. Finally, the condition of the food, when storing, transporting and serving it, can be affected when a food is not subjected to halal processing, then halal substances will automatically turn into haram.
