Use of Flascard Media in Improving Maharatul Kalam (Literature Department Studentsarabic Faculty of Literature UMI)

  • Nurjannah Nurjannah Universitas Muslim Indonesia
  • Agussalim Beddu Malla Universitas Muslim Indonesia
Keywords: Learning Media, Flash Cards, Maharatul Kalam


Arabic is one of the special subjects taught at the Indonesian Muslim University. One of the courses taught by the Arabic Literature department at the UMI Faculty of Letters is maharatul kalam (speaking skills). The ability to recognize new words in Maharatul Kalam learning, especially students with non-Islamic boarding school educational backgrounds, needs to be supported by learning media that can improve the ability to recognize and understand mufradat (vocabulary) and al sum (sentences). The results of observations and interviews show that the use of Maharatul Kalam learning media is still limited, which has implications for students' lack of motivation and curiosity in learning Maharatul Kalam, learning to speak Arabic which begins with an introduction to mufradat (vocabulary). This research develops flash dick media as an alternative media in learning Maharatul Kalam. Media in the form of picture cards which helps the right brain's ability to remember pictures and words as components, trains independence and increases the amount of vocabulary in a size that is adjusted to the size of the class at hand. The problem of how to develop flash card learning media in Maharatul Kalam learning for students of the Arabic Literature Department, Faculty of Letters, UMI? And what is the impact of using flash card learning media in Maharatul Kalam learning for students of the Arabic Literature Department, Faculty of Letters, UMI? The aim of the research is to describe the development of flash card learning media in Maharatul Kalam learning for students of the Arabic Literature Department, Faculty of Letters, UMI and to analyze the impact of using flash card learning media in Maharatul Kalam learning for students of the Arabic Literature Department, Faculty of Letters, UMI. This research uses a qualitative approach by collecting data on the natural conditions of objects. Qualitative research emphasizes its analysis on deductive and inductive inference processes as well as on analysis of the dynamics of relationships between observed phenomena, using scientific logic. This research was conducted through online media which was used as a Maharatul Kalam learning medium with a population consisting of objects/subjects that have certain qualities and characteristics and the sample was students of the Arabic Literature Study Program, Faculty of Letters, UMI. Data collection techniques in this research, namely observation, interviews, documentation, and tests with data analysis are processed by arranging the data and then organizing it into a pattern, category and unit of description. using the data triangulation method, namely: data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions.
