Potential Benefits of Figs (Ficus Carica) as an Alternative Anti-Anticancer

  • Mochammad Erwin Rachman Universitas Muslim Indonesia
  • Rosdina Bte Ladju Universitas Hasanuddin
  • Cahyono Kaelan Universitas Hasanuddin
  • Muhammad Akbar Universitas Hasanuddin
  • Nurpudji Astuti Daud Universitas Hasanuddin
Keywords: Potential Efficacye, Figs, Alternative Anticancer Therapy


Cancer is a disease caused by the proliferation of multicellular cells resulting in uncontrolled changes in cell properties. Recent efforts in cancer therapy include the study of chemotherapeutic agents derived from plants. In the Al-Qur'an there are many plants that have been studied which have various benefits. One of them is called in the Qur'an Surah At-Tin in the first verse, namely Figs and olives. Antioxidant content found in figs are phenols, benzaldehyde, terpenoids, flavonoids and alkaloidsin vitroshows effects on various inhibition of cell cancer proliferation and has antioxidant characteristics, but has mild side effects. Based on the description mentioned, researchers are interested in studying further the benefits contained in figs as an anti-cancer alternative. This study uses a quantitative meta-analysis method. The data source for this research comes from literature obtained via the internet in the form of research results from international journals for 2018-2023 such as Elsevier, Clinical Key, Pubmed, and Research International.  From a total of 24 journals that have been reviewed, the authors concluded that there are potential benefits in the content of figs as an anticancer. Based on this, the author hopes that the article reviews can increase public information about the benefits of figs for maintaining body health as well as being an anti-cancer alternative. Some research results found that figs have potential as anticancer so that further research is needed on the benefits of figs as an alternative anticancer therapy.
