The Mimetic and Expressive Analysis In the “BE” (Deluxe Edition) Album Music by BTS

  • Andi Meilindary
Keywords: Expressive Analysis, Music, Deluxe Edition


The researcher’s aims to determine the relationship between mimetic and expressive analysis in BTS "BE” (Deluxe Edition) album and determined the pedagogical implications of mimetic and expressive analysis on BTS "BE” (Deluxe Edition). In addition, their songs are very eye-catching; the lyrics seem to reflect the condition of each member in dealing with the pandemic that occurred. The research design was qualitative research, and the method used is a mimetic and expressive approach. With this analysis, researcher explored education's meaning and moral values based on the picture of reality contained in the song lyrics. After completed the research, the researcher found four songs that included mimetic analysis with 30 parts of song lyrics, and two songs included expressive analysis type with 18 parts of song lyrics. In this case, the researcher found that there were educational values in several lyrics contained in the six songs that had been analysed. These values were the values of character education promoted by the government to develop virtuous character in the welcoming generation, especially students.
