Cultural of Aboriginal before the Came of Western People in Australia

  • Nurafifa Sulthan Dawe Universitas Muslim Indonesia
Keywords: aboriginal, cultures


The purpose of this paper was to find out what aboriginal cultures of Aboriginal people lived before of western people arrival in Australia. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative using a library research approach. The data sources for this study are taken from several books related to Aboriginal people, articles in journals or websites and website internet links that related to Aboriginal. The results of the study showed the culture of the Aboriginal people before the arrival of Europeans. 1) Aboriginal cultures include; a) Dreamtime, which is an Aboriginal belief, b) Didgeridoo, a traditional Aboriginal musical instrument, c) Tiwi dance, which is a typical Aboriginal dance, d) Boomerang, is a typical Aboriginal weapon used for hunting and e) Traditional clothing, used by Aboriginal people.
